Baby Born Drunk

:jam: :hang:

wtf is wrong with people.

WARSAW, Poland (AP) – A baby boy in Poland was born drunk.

Doctors decided to check his blood-alcohol level because his mother was drunk when she arrived to give birth.

What they saw frightened them.

A doctor tells the PAP news agency that 12 hours after he was born, the boy had a blood-alcohol level six times the legal limit for driving. That means he was drunk before he was even born. He
weighed five pounds, seven ounces at birth.

Doctors say the baby will likely suffer permanent neurological damage from his mother’s drinking.

Fucking pollocks…maybe 87foxGT can explain this.

wow… i thought it was actually kinda funny until i read this

Doctors say the baby will likely suffer permanent neurological damage from his mother’s drinking.

so sad that this kid never even had a chance because his mom was a fucking lush

if you wanna fuck up your own life, fine… but dont do it to someone/something that cant defend itself


I fucking hate alcohol.

I think I am going to quit drinking


I still say that you should have to take an IQ test before you can reproduce!!!

Some people are so fucking stupid… :tdown:

Just because the drinks are complimentary doesnt mean you should take them. Instead, save a life, pass them to me, mine is already spiraling out of control :lol:
kidding, kidding.

why do i get the feeling a drunk preggo trying to give birth probably had accidental explosive drunk shits?


I still say that you should have to take an IQ test before you can reproduce!!!

Some people are so fucking stupid… :tdown:


im always impressed with the chicks that dont even know theyre preggo… one day they go to the bathroom and have a baby… how is it possible to be that blind ???




wait… anyone else notice that the only pic they could come up with is just a glass of beer ??? :rofl:

anyone remember this kid a few years ago?

that little fucker was in my grandmother’s 6th grade class. FAS kids FTL.




lol @ the guy in the background

what a bitch.


why do i get the feeling a drunk preggo trying to give birth probably had accidental explosive drunk shits?


that can happen w/o the alcohol…
and why the hospital will not feed you after you go in…

so… for all the preggo’s out there… stop at mighty on the way…
make them earn their pay :smiley:

“hey guys, I’m pregnant!”



I fucking hate alcohol.

I think I am going to quit drinking



fucking cunt should die