Does it make me a bad person that i find this really funny, and only a little disturbing.
lol wtf? thats nuts
The toddler was taken to the hospital, where tests revealed he was legally intoxicated, with a blood-alcohol content of 0.094 percent, the sheriff’s office said. In New York, a driver is considered drunk with an alcohol content of 0.08 percent or greater.
and thats in a kid who is about 50 pounds, insane
um… BAC is percent of alcohol in blood…
so the kid probably had like 1/4 of a beer or something
At the time, the children’s parents were at a hospital, where the mother was giving birth.
Just leave the kids home with their drunk “uncle.” nice.
the kid prolly got thirsty and picked up his uncles forty after he passed out.
What about those people that gave their baby whiskey or something to calm him down a couple weeks ago here in Buffalo? The dead baby’s BAC was like .95 or something insane. Idiots
Unfortunatly Darwin cant be their for helpless babies.
Stupid people shouldnt breed.
wow thats what happens when i get up at 8 to go to work and dont sleep the night b4
oy… thats fucked up :tdown:
wow…some peoples sheer lack of responsability just scares me…and people wounder why our society is the way it is.
ok the i still belive int eh old tricks … liek for a teething baby stick your finger in a shot and rub it on their gums small things like that or for a very upset baby a thimble of whisky … all shit my rents used on my and my rents rents … but it’ the same as everythign else all used with common sense