Baby crew

The Recaro babyseat has been posted before, but incase you thought it was expensive it is now on sale.

If I was planning on having babies at any point in my lifetime I would probably snag one.


lol no matching colors - and i already got one :stuck_out_tongue:

Imma get one when that time comes

If we buy in bulk do you think we will get a better discount??? :rimshot:

I really don’t like that seat. The Recaro Como is just a regular old seat…and it’s ugly:

This is what I’ve got for my kids and a bunch of NYSpeeders. Recaro Young Sport. It costs a bit more, but it’s amazing.

yea i want the blue ones

now you can go fast and keep your kids safe all at the same time…

I got an all black Recaro young sport seat about two weeks ago. I wish I would’ve seen this then. This will go in the SRT or whatever the “car” is at the current point in time.

I’m debating on whether or not to buy an Eddie Bauer seat for my Eddie Bauer. :mamoru:

you have a fucking baby?

I’m sorry, I just can’t see Justin riding in that. :gotme:

no, but my sister and her hubby will in a month.

i’m super fucking pumped to take the baby and my mom’s dog to delaware park. i’m going to get fucked six ways til sunday.


you can take my kid(s) for a few hours

Ha! You dick.

negative. too many kids and i’ll look like i’m:

A.) A player

B.) Too stupid to use a condom

C.) Had a psychotic ex who poked holes in our rubbers (Excessive Baggage)

D.) I’m a weak suck loser for not forcing any of the broads to have an abortion.

LOL you just called out justa4door in 4 different ways. i dont think he appreciates that… :rofl:


The truth of the matter is; I’m going to have one fucking adorable baby boy with me and an even more adorable puppy.

If I meet a girl who loves the baby… “great! he’s my little bundle of joy”.

If I meet a girl who hates the baby… “yeah me too, he’s my sister and I’m stuck with him for about another 30 minutes. Hey, check out my bitching dog though.” (Girls who hate babies, love dogs).

Easy in, easy out.