Banned Commercial : Use Condoms

Bad ass lil kid


that just made me rethink the old pull n shoot method…


You mean that doesn’t work all of the time? :eek3:

thats what happens when you cant beat your kids ass anymore without getting arrested

ur parants should have & a :repost: Xakillbillion

I saw this when the internet was invented.

TCP/IP data communications(what we now call the internet) wasn’t implemented until 1983…you weren’t even thought about yet

x 11ty billion

:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:


wow i never new mike could get so gay and emo to were he has to block your shit when hes the one thats starts the drama with you:kekegay: :tool:

emo? coming from you shawn? haha lets not go there because i still have conversation logs from aim that make you the king of fucking emo

knock it off or :ban:'s for all of u!:fart: