Base Jumping


And here is one that the other guy in the course made:

First off, sorry to people who think I’m just “jumping” from one hobby to another (though I really am not… I think every hobby thread on here that I started I still maintain)…

Tonight I am flying to Boise, ID and then driving to Twin Falls, ID to take a “first BASE course”… I have thought about this day every day since last October, and have been working towards it and preparing almost daily. Depite that, I still feel a bit unprepared.

I’m going to be jumping off the Perrine bridge over the snake river canyon (right near where Evel Knevil tried jumping it):

I’m super excited and hope to update with pics throughout the course, but will certainly have something to post when I get back, provided I make it back to a computer.

In anticipation I built this camera mount (holds a contour HD) for my helmet.

I ordered a BASE rig a few months ago, but I don’t think it’s going to be ready in time, so I may have to use one of the instructor’s rigs.

Thanks to Gennaro and Kyle for watching my house and BMW while I’m gone…

If I pound in… I probably deserved it. :slight_smile:

How much vacation time to you get? holy hell

good luck though man, please make it back for results.

:tup: in for results as well.


It seems like less jumping from hobby to hobby and more of an evolution. Tight rope -> repelling -> rope swings -> skydiving -> base jumping. Seems like a pretty natural progression.

Keep posting, let the haters hate. I enjoy reading the threads and checking out the pictures/videos.

Haha that’s what I was wondering! Have fun though it sounds awesome!

You sound pretty morbid. Is base jumping more dangerous than sky diving?

Oh, and is this legal?

Base jumping is exponentially more dangerous. There is stuff to hit, less time to react and only one parachute. I read somewhere that 1 in 2000 BASE jumps ends in a fatality, but I’m unsure of the accuracy of that statistic.

This is 100% legal.

Agreed. Well, good luck and have fun!

It totally is, I just hear a lot of “Newman is always changing hobbies to whatever is cool”… Not saying I came up with the shit, but it certainly isn’t because the local cool kids are doing it.

the jumping is 100% safe, it’s the landing that’s dangerous

but more seriously, where do you go from this for the next hobby?

One of those wingsuit things perhaps?


BASE humping.

Good luck.

I’m very pro-wingsuit :tup:

This is super risky though. Good luck man!

Good luck & have fun.


i will be taking back my Dirty Work dvd from your apt if you dont come back lol…


Hang gliding?

bull riding
bullet dodging
Shark fighting
ghetto black teasing
meat eating
bomb making
drug smuggling, for amusement, not profit
human trafficing, for amusement, not profit
VW driving… no he already did that
butt sex with sketchy dudes… already tried that?