Base Jumping

Good video. Also involves cat-daddying.

Newman… I know we don’t see eye to eye on much, but PLEASE be safe with this. We just had a 24 year old die yesterday about 30 mins south of where I live.

Damn that sucks, RIP.

Yeah I saw that. I’m waiting to find out what happened. That cliff is 350 ft to impact, the news report of 150 is wrong. RIP Holly.

That video of the wingsuit going right into the water was on Tosh.0 last night. Glad the guy survived.

Was just going to say I thought I have seen it before.

She was alive 45min after the fall

Shot this today in Moab, Utah.

How was the hike out there? (if I’m thinking of the right spot)

It was about 45 minutes to the top. Maybe 35.

Nice video… glad youre still alive <3

nice editing too

Thanks. It was my first time using final cut… I regret not filming the whole trip at 60FPS… :frowning:

looks like a blast, good for you. stay safe man.

Very nice :tup:

I like the reverse shot where the sun disappears behind the rock :tup:

Me too. I was really glad when I realized it was shot in 60FPS.

Most of my footage was shot in 1080p 30FPS, But I wound up mixing it down to 720p… there is little reason to do 1080p. Even on my 65" tv it looked clear, and that was after I mistakenly converted all my video to 4:3 and had to revert back to 16:9…

Gopros shoot 1280X720 60FPS. From now on that’s what I am going to shoot in. Framerate winds up being way more useful than resolution

32 people base jumping…

… in Battlefield 3, lol: