Bathtub IV - REALLY Cool Video Miniaturization Technique (Tilt Shift)

Looked like a model.

Pretty sweet.

wow, thats pretty cool!

zoomed in lens and variable focus?

i dont have much of a clue how they would do that

I believe it’s called a tilt-shift lens. Alternatively, you can do it in P-shop, i think.

I think there were a few things done.

Missing a few frames every other second and then certain parts are intentionally blurred to simulate what the focus would look like on a model. Probably used the tilt-lens based on some of the shots with pretty neat multi-range focus.

Funny seeing someone try to make real life look like models instead of the other way around.

edit: ah I see it is photographs and not video.

pretty sweet.
I have heard of making things look real but why would you want to make them look fake/like scale models? Just for fun maybe?

Pretty cool.

That is really neat! I was totally expecing tub girl so it took a while for me to click the link

very cool…i like it.

by “took a while” you mean the time it took to run to the dresser and grab a bottle of lube?


really cool

that was so cool

i think it’s something called faux photography or something along those lines. really cool effect.

Now you can buy a Tilt Shift Camera for $150. Does video too:

another cool stop motion/tilt shift video for the winter sports fans

That’s actually pretty cool. I looked through some of my sets quick to see if I had something zoomed out far enough to try it and found this shot from a couple years ago when the guy backed his truck in way to far launching a boat:

After the 5 second treatment…

That is sweet. I have been to Jackson many times. :tup:
In fact I modeled my cupola after the original tram tower. :smiley: