I cant stop watching! Warning: may be addictive

This has to be one of the koolest things out on the web!

My work computer is too slow for that.

thats pretty cool…

cool but wtf is it

shit is quite entertaining.

I feel like a moron but I couldn’t tell if that was a set or if it was real life?

this is 100% real life, Ron. This is called tilt shift photography. It makes things look like miniature models. Pretty awesome stuff.

this is rather cool shit. good post, for once. :number1

Pretty cool

like this.



That just looks blurry, I don’t get the model feeling.


its cuz the pics r small… :lol

No it’s because the blurring was done incorrectly so the depth of field is off.

its focused on the houses in the front… but the pic sucked anyhow… lol



uhmm… what?


Seriously? Like I said then, nevermind.

um no

they use special lenses. :retardclap

this too

photoshop :retardclap