Battle of the daily's!

So, as some of you may know I ran my car on the iPhone app dynolicious and the old 200 pulled off a pretty decent run. Shortly after some goon went out to one up the 2hundge and succeeded pulling off a better ET and trap! So, to settle the battle the old fashioned way we took these animals to a closed track just outside of Ontario, Canada. Results as follows:

This section needed a bump!


ahhhh canadia

Why is it this vid is like the clearest one I have ever seen? The rest of you goons could learn from this guy… Nice work!

Lmao so this is what you two cholo’s were doing last night

haha D got smoked!!

Nice to see a new video in this section…

that is the quietest race i ever herd.

:rofl nice

because everyone else is using dumpy cameras and not convertnig the video correctly…

wow that does look like canada …

I got smoked badddddd, god damn 200 RIPS!

what was the et and trap on the 200

13.96 @ 104.3

It seems like dynolicious is way off but it was dead on with my s4. Maybe the car is quick. My stock mode s4 beat chris in a simular amount when we raced and it ran a 13.5 @ 104 so maybe.

$3000 DSLR would help. Lol. Thanks man!

We don’t know what it runs because the dynolicious has to be off, I went 15.0 @ 92 with the a4 at LVD so judging by how the 200 pulled on the a4 it’s gotta be a 14.x at like mid to high 90’s?

:rofl yeah 13.9 @ 104ish seems way off :lmao

good races lmao

had to lol @ 00:50, fucking HAMMERING those gears :rofl :rofl

seems fast, but possible i suppose. It was pretty cold last night, and nick was hammmmmering gears lol.

More vids to come, hookin a 75shot up for tonight, gonna get you fucker

from what i heard, your gonna need more than that Delucia, Nick already did werk on the 200