Battlefield 2 "Top Gun" Vid

Even for those who don’t play the game, you’ve gota admit this is some cool shit…

Sincro F35 flying, vehicle stunts & outtakes @ the end :eekdance:

Right Click, Save As HERE

Those guys are friggin gods.

fuggin awesome

I think my pants just shrank

I doubt it :slight_smile:

when can we work on our BF2 flight skills?

I use the keyboard but I can match most people who use joysticks

When do you guys play? We should squad-up :tup:

Anybody have BF2 for Xbox?

So…I’m going to get this game. Onyx and Jack, do you guys only play special forces?

No no - I play mostly the regular BF2. SF is fun, but the night levels seem to slow my computer down real bad.

My brother Andy just bought a new computer and the game so we’ve been playing. He’s buying SF today since the expansion gives you 3 free gun unlocks. You can use the guns in reg BF2.

Our squad could use more ppl even though last night we we’re top-squad 5 games in a row. And on one of the top servers :tup:


waiting for internet, and my X800 GTO to come in

BTW - the last 2 minutes is why my global score sucks so bad.

Must get… newer video… card drool

We just returned my bro’s X700 for an X800 :tup:

He gets ~60fps w/ high settings… then it locks up after a few hours… Blue Screen Of DEATH

Awesome vid. I have a joystick and I still can’t fly :tdown: I give those guys who can hover over a flag and capture it with a helicopter a lot of credit. I suck at the flyin

I can fly the choppers now, but it took a lot of practice. A good blackhawk squad can tear apart almost anything. :slight_smile:

I still can’t really fly the jets.

Onyx you should go into an empty server and practice flying it took me like a half hour to get used to the Jets. The helicopters are pretty simple since youre not going 1000mph like in the Jets. I think the only reason we got SF is to get the new guns but i love playing it to be on the UK team their weapons kick ass.

I fly Jets with the mouse and keyboard and it works for basic flying but i get anihilated in dog fights. the mouse gets the job done for helicopters tho.

im “AgentMcCrazy” if you ever come accross me. I play in UK servers alot. We should set up a night to play and share IPs with each other.

^^^ I see you’re in the game right now :tup:

I’m going to try and jump into that server… and make some new friends with my n00b tube :smiley:

I’ll be on the rest of the night. If I can’t get on that server, click HERE ->

And see where I’m playing or shoot me a PM :tup: