BattleField2 Mod Editor and Screenshot tool...

I got this disc with an issue of Computer Gaming World.

It comes with a good screenshot tool names Fraps. It takes good screenshots while you are in game of COD2 or something. It also records movies withsound of you playing. It also puts a Frames per second counter on the screen.

It also came with a BF2 mod editor. I have no idea how good it is since I don’t have this game. For those who play this game, it could maybe be handy.

I don’t know if either of these items can be downloaded from their site at [email=“”] but I thought there may be some people here that could be interested in either item.

If they don’t host these files I can e-mail them to you if needed. This is only if they don’t have the files hosted and you can’t find them anywhere.


I’ve got them on CD at work if you want them. I can e-mail them to whatever your e-mail address is from there tomorrow if you want.

The screenshot/movie tool works really good.

lets see some shots…

Fine… give me a few minutes… lol

Edit I dunno why but photobucket shrunk the pics… I’ll try again tomorrow… I’m beat.

I’m not sure why photobucket must shrink these pics… lol. They look awesome full size with my new vid card. Anyways… these are taken with the program Fraps. Takes great screenshots and movies.

I used to love fraps… I used it back in my BF1942 and Unreal Tournament days to make some KILLER movies… Its fun to get on an empty server with some friends and record dogfights and stuff with multiple camera angles.

Ya, it seems that it would be a sweet tool for that. I have to get a key for it though… unregistered copy only does 30 second movies uncompressed. lol

Here is a link to download Fraps if anyone wants it. You are on your own finding a key if you don’t want the limitations that it gives you.