Bay rental? Beer for lift? Help me do my clutch plz!

Well I’ve been trying to find a place to do my clutch for a few weeks now. Multiple shops have said no to renting their bays for a day, which I don’t blame them at all insurance companies would have a shit show with something like that. Anyways does anyone know a place that still rents a bay? I don’t really need help doing the actual work but it would be appreciated. Even a garage I could give someone some beer for would be great, I just want to get this done before the end of my regions autox season. My number is 518330 twenty forty if anyone has info that would be awesome, thanks for looking[LEFT][/LEFT]

I hope to have my lift operational this weekend. I don’t see a problem, as long as I’m there when you do the work.

Thanks that would be great, let me know.