BBQ/FOOTBALL injury list

i feel pretty good
back is sore and i have a bruse on my chest that resebmles that i swear you can make out either chads or blayners face

I called off today. Football owned me.

wussy! :blue:

I’m glad you lost the weight too! … it didn’t hurt quite as much when you fell on me this game as much as it did the time we had the BBQ at JJ’s. :cool: :smiley:

just being nice! :stick:

A few little bumps and bruises never really hurt anyone. :slight_smile:

SleeperGTP: My chiropractor thanks you for :wink: :rofl:

imagine that phone call

umm boss i cant come in to the office today i am a wuss :bigok:

scored a TD and didn’t break any bones. I’m fine

i just told him I was alittle under the weather.

Injury update, my elbow is a bit tender probably from throwing all those bullets that sam couldn’t catch


I feel great except for my migraine from last night

your ears must have slapped against the side of your head to hard!

prob the heat got to me…but atleast i am the one that brought water :finger:

Just wanted to let you tuff guys know that Eurodad made me put the handrailing on the stairs to go upstairs because he has to almost crawl to get upstairs…


hahahaah…tell him he needs to start working out for next year…i call turkey bowl game…i will be home for 2 days for thanksgiving …nothing like going to kuwait with a broken legg

sounds like a great idea to me…

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

*eurodads christmas wish list *

rascal scooter and a elevator chair :kekegay: