BBQ/FOOTBALL injury list

I am so sore now. I could’nt even walk up our steps. At some point during the game I must have pulled a groin muscle, my right nut hurts, my back aches, my right knee and ankle hurt my left shoulder hurts, but my broken ankle from back in April is ok. Had a great time. we need to do it again soon. :bigok:

i’m just a little tired… i got my ass kicked today.

i actually feel better than before we played… that’s the most excercize i’ve gotten in a long time.

eurodad did some whoopin :cool:

i got a knee to the head

My fucking hip keeps dislocating now and it fucking hurts!!! Aside from that my right peck hurts and forearms hurt for some reason too? And oohhhh does it feel so good!!! :blue: :blue:

my ankle isnt great but it works that hit toward the end on chad tore my ankle up lol

thats ok, you jumped in the family car and relaxed all the way to your house :bigthumb:


im not sore…im a proffesional athlete :bigthumb:

nothing hurts except my lips, brian fell on me and tryed slipping in something:scared:

Fuck that! I jumped in the ol shaggy ass wooping mobile and headed to my buddys for more participation in some beer drinking :boink :naughty: :eek4dance

never lost biatch :blue:

but beer drinking is what im doing now. Miller lite :blue:

both my legs are sore as hell

Werd. He was one of the few “stay the F out of his way” guys on the field. :bigthumb:

I wonder who else was too??? :moon: And shaggy…high life light for me man. :hitit:

pussys, i feel fine :slight_smile: LOL

x 2


i am good to go…but i didnt do much running or actually anything

i think it was whitey… called it… “were going to get home and theres going to be a bunch of threads about who’s sore”

i dont feel to bad,glad i lost the wieght!!