:rant: :rant:
umm no would cost you guys money
i only see a handful of people that say they are bringing items :rant: :rant:
come on people hell
theres alot more items we need to bring
we need a coolers to put the pop and ice in
paper towels
bbq stuff
Jeff and I will take car of the coolers and ice for the pop we are bringing. Space is not an issue since we have to bring the GTPs with the TA out of commission.
Someone needs to bring plates, cups, plasticware, etc.
ok but there comming from the highway playground!
ill bring plates and what not. and if we need anything there im sure we will figure it out
why we can get the girls drunk at the BBQ and have just as much fun… cutty can bring the rap and it will be golden.
cutty bitches=pooooooooooooop
i got all my sausage i mean kielbasa…let me know if you want me to bring anything else
paper bag and you wont know the difference
also i am bringing ej …but i dont think that counts
I’ll get the ice and the other little stuff if needed
my uncle has an ice bussiness i get ice free,so do u want me to get it???
free yes! fill up the truck and speed down here
put in cab with a/c on!!!
ahh good thinking and line the bed with a tarp for stripper baby oil wrestling !
Do you need coolers?
for the wet t-shirt contest