Bbq Needs!!!

The BBQ will be at 1pm on August 22

hamburgers - Jeff 2FNFast 2 boxes of burgers
hott dogs - Jeff
hot dog buns
hamburger buns
Football - Chad
chips - Chad
cheese - Chad
katchup - Chad
36 pack pepsi -Jeff’s Wifey
36 pack diet pepsi -Jeff’s Wifey
36 pack mt dew -Jeff’s Wifey
sprite - Blanyer
boxing gloves
JD Keibalsi - Slow
1/4barrell of Miller Light - Whitey
Ice = theoneslowshelby
Roland-horseshoes and whatever else we need
turbotalon91- 36 pack of dr peper i’ll try to get a burner and pot so we can have some corn but i might not be abel to get it


mods try to keep this thread clean so we have some organization

i will provide a 1/4 keg of beer.

i am bringing my jack daniels kielbasa…

if i need to bring anything else let me know

I’ll bring hot dogs (& boxing gloves with a big chip on my shoulder). :slight_smile:

what time is the BBQ? my friend has a concert that night, so i’d have to split early, but i can bring shit if i’m coming.

it will during the day… i am guessing around 12. sam or brian might be able to clarify better

well, if i’m not sitting in jail in ohio, i’ll bring a few cases of soda.

is noon or one on good?

lets keep this thread clean for the what to bring list…whore up the pther thread for the bs…

i think it will make it easier for those trying to put this together

36 pack pepsi
36 pack diet pepsi
36 pack mt dew

aqdd me for 2 boxes of burgers!

i could probably get ALOT of ice from my mom’s eatnpark right outside of the park

then bring it

Is that a different Jeff for the burgers?

put me down for a 36 pack of dr peper i’ll try to get a burner and pot so we can have some corn but i might not be abel to get it

i can get whatever ya’ll need just let me know


2 blondes and 2 burnettes

& atleast a hot red head

lay out in the sun for me :kekegay: