Pittspeed BBQ

August 1, 2004 pittspeed BBQ at south park from 1pm till whenever. Post if u will attend.

is this a question or a fact??? because ill be there… if i dont work

fact unless u guys could think of a better place and time

if there is food i am in

Im in for sure:)

I’m in and I’ll bring something or donate.

Gotta see what Mike’s schedule is, but I’m always off on Sundays. If we go then we can bring something… I make good macaroni salad and pasta salad… :yum:


ok then…


as in she dont make good shit or ur not coming???

I as always am definitely in!!! this time we got to keep jeff away fhe grill

I’m in

im up for some food. why so late in the season why not have one in july also

Damn it, I’m gonna have to have a BBQ at my house just to prove I can grill. The burgers were greasy and I couldn’t control the flame! :ricer excuse: :smiley:

pittspeed invads ppl farm!!! :rofl:

I am interested in attending. I haven’t met most of you in person. Maybe thats for the best, haha but I would like to go. If someone can get me directions to the park and let me know what to bring/donate I’ll be there!!

u could either get direction or u could meet up with one of us being some of us live around u

who leaves near me? I live in bum fuck Rochester…