BBQ Sauces Come on In

Let’s talk about BBQ sauces, cuz I love them.

What’s your favorite bottled BBQ sauce?

I like Sweet Baby Rays and KC Masterpiece. Some of the Jack Daniels stuff is pretty damn good too

I LOVE bbq sauce but don’t really have a favorite. I do know that Sweet Baby Rays can suck a cock though.

To me they all taste like smokey sugar plus or minus some heat.

Hence I love them all.

Kraft or my dad makes his own Kilroy’s BBQ Sauce

I’m very partial to Dinosaur original slathering sauce. I think it’s delicious. I agree with Newman that Sweet Baby Rays can suck it. I will be practicing my own sauces over the winter for fun. I like more tomato/molasses based sauces as opposed to vinegar based sauces

Don, I’ll be happy to sample all your vegan offerings.

---------- Post added at 12:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 PM ----------

Also, good subtle parody thread.

Damn. I thought this was asking for SQL Bauces.

Right on.

Sweet or Tangy?

I’m a huge fan of Tangy/Spicy sauces, I can’t get down with sweet BBQ sauces like KC or Sweet Baby Rays.

Shouldn’t this be BBQ Sosses?

haven’t really tried a ton of them but I just made some pulled pork served with the Dinosaur original sauce. Turned out quite good. Settled on the dinosaur since there is no corn syrup or other weird stuff in it.

Cattlemen’s BBQ Sauce mixed with a bit of franks is by far my favorite.


Not so srs.

I’m not really a fan of BBQ sauces, more-so hot sauces.

Sweet Baby Ray’s!! Huge BBQ sauce fan myself, but didn’t discover it until college somehow. I eat at Dinosaur pretty much once a month and do enjoy their sauce as well but it’s a bit runny IMO. I like a little more of a thicker sauce.

Go here:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=1440&bih=728&wrapid=tljp132328434951504&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=bw’s+bbq&fb=1&gl=us&hq=bw’s+bbq&hnear=0x89d30eb9f310c36f:0x6f7f027064c0d277,Williamsville,+NY&cid=0,0,6971931338878132466&ei=b7ffTvCsHMfL0QG8hdCuBw&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&sqi=2&ved=0CBEQ_BI

Get the smokey onion. Best BBQ I’ve ever had, and believe me, I’ve had my fair share.

This is amazing on wings.

Dinosaur BBQ wango tango is the shit. Got some spice to it!


i have heard cattlemans tastes like old swiss chalet sauce?? any truth to this?