BCM/Spikes complete ar15

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Forgot to mention, realised today when I was looking at it, unless your Law enforcment, you wont be able to take the gun as it sits…well need to transfer it to a gun store, have them make it civilian legal then give it to you. The muzzle break to make it permanent i think is like 65, and the stock you could really do yourself…or I could transfer it to a LE whole and you can fix it when you want but they could “hold” the gun.

Also, it comes with the parts listed, no ACOG

Could just sell it as parts…

If the lower and upper aren’t joined then wouldn’t the only issue be the telescoping stock on the lower? Not 100% on the laws but I know the lower is technically the firearm so if the upper isn’t joined to it then the non perm. attached brake shouldn’t be illegal? Or do I have that wrong?


if it’s not assembled and sold as parts then it’s legal. it’s only illegal if the upper and lower are put together.

Ok thanks. I’ll just have to get ahold of boxersix so I can have him weld the brake for me. Suppose to meet up this afternoon to pickup the rifle.

rifle is sold

Ill trade if deal falls through, we be an easy sale for me

Sorry i bought this a week ago. It wont be resold anytime soon

cuz its the shit

Unfortunately i havent had a chance to shoot it because i still need the brake welded

your gonna need to move the front sight back and adjust them, theyre not sighted in. I had the ACOG on it and put those sights back on for the sale but if it malfunctions even one time, I’ll buy it back…but it wont lol

I noticed the horizontal adjustment was maxed out to one side so figured as much. Hopefully i can hook up with boxer 6 so i can get the upper compliant. I pinned the lower myself.

I was trying to see if I could keep the sights as far apart as possible and still be on target you’ll just need to bring it in a couple notches