16" BCM Mid Length Upper 1/7 Twist
Mega Billet Lower
Larue Quad Rail
PWS 5.56 Comp
Magpul MBUS
Bill Springfield trigger 3lb pull
Sully Stock w/Extension
BCM GUN Fighter Charging Handle w/Medium latch
BCM Bolt Carrier Group
Just Added:
Magpul Miad Grip
Magpul XTR Rail Covers
$2000 W/ Eotech
$1650 W/O Eotech
Ammo + Surefire Light not included

How much for just the mags?
Changed first post they’re not for sale.
no problem. doing the same myself and am looking for some preban mags here and there.
GLWS. gun is a big pricey for me but is worth the money all setup like that 
I’ve seen a bunch of people selling pre ban mags on AR15.com and NYFirearms.com for $15 or less a piece.
Yep they’re out there, just figured I’d throw some money your way first if you had wanted to sell them. No worries. I have a couple now, want ~5 of them.
If you got the chance to shoot it you would sell your first born. So smooth.
assuming since your building a new one, the eotech isnt for sale? just thought id ask, itd look great on top of my AR lol. this and the 870 you have up are very nice looking guns.
Depends on the offer. I would love to buy a trijicon.
what model eotech? pm the info and what u want for it
very nice weapon just curious what length barrel is that?
XPS-2 But not really looking to sell it unless the rifle goes first.
16" Mid Length 1/7 Twist
i would buy the scope also. and put it on my shotgun so if ur looking to sell the scope im interested
only if i sell the gun first
i would still be interested in eotech only two…
I’ll let you guys know if it sells.