bdr5oh makes me wet.

Bdr is god!!! He helped me out with this shit ass remote start in my girlfriends car.POS car kept not starting(I hate gm passlock)Derrick rewired it for me.Would not have sex with me though! Said I was too fat.


You’re too fat.


BDR :tup:

A+ thread!

Still laughing.
I will take BDR’s place if there will be sexing…

its that damn derrick…he’s SO HOT right now.

You finally found it, lol.

I knew you were lieing at sg when you said you would take a dick

nitro wanted to give dick bdr just didnt want to take it
doesnt mean nitro is gay tho, he has a “girlfriend” :io:

good job D. As soon as he told me it had aftermarket crap i told him to have it over to you.

For real! hes a Sorcerer! He rewired my girls Sybien to work with her drivers seat! she loves drivin her car now! D’s a real groundbreaker in the car/pleasure dept!! Highly recomended!

Derrick is a good guy to know, always willing to help people out and always is in the know. Much love and respect.

He programmed the key for my explorer in literally two seconds! And allowed his dog to hump me in the process. He’s so dreamy.

off topic. Does anyone have a tech II I could use? I still have a pass lock code and I do not think a motus will clear it.