Be @ Lancaster Speedway @ 10:00 PM If Your Going Out Late And Want To Follow A Couple People Out.

If You Wanna Mapquest It Here is the Address & Directions
Take 400 South, follow rt 16. About 1 mile down is Warner hill rd (subway is on corner) turn left. At 2nd stop sign turn right. About 4 miles down is 7654 hunters creek Rd, zip code 14080. Parking in back, rain or shine. Bring some cool people. :slight_smile:

thats far !!! - but its still under consideration

i got people comin from rochester with some stealths and 3000’s so well see


its realy not bad at all, 1/2 hour drive to get to an overnight party thast gonna be off the hook

it would be far if you were gonna just run downthere for an errand of some sort, but drive time vs drinking time ratio is quite nice

I might defiantly hit this up, I will try and get there! cool.Il bring some local celebs.

you said off the hook. it would have been worse if you said off the chain… but come on… “Off the Hook” ???What does that mean? Like your not answering the phone?


I’m still trying to get the wife to tagalong

yea i know, i said it intentionaly, dawg !

geeee uniiiittt


gonna be a good time

goin to pick up the kegs now… see ya all thurr


so another thread was started for my party??:lol: anyways, brian ill pm you the addy…mapquest is your frend, we r goin to pick up 6 kegs,our 50gal of jello and 250 jello shots now!!! w00t w00t…better be there bitches

yea its going to be a awsome party and who ever is comming bring the ladies:beer:=:headbang:

what if it rains? can this move to indoor?



u can :rolljerk:me off.

Oh shit, i got this confused with something else, and i thought it was next saturday. shit cant make it tonight.


and… it’s downpouring… this still on?
edit… uggghh rain or shine. :slight_smile:

damn…i just got home from work and got the pm lol…i think i missed the party : (