Before and after pics of the bike

well the bike is still at my cousins house, and he sent me some pictures through his camera phone… and i do say… I LIKE IT :eekdance:

the first one is before,second 2 are the after pics… let me know what u think…

:gay2: :rofl:

is that pink?

its pink?

did you pay money for it to be like that?

orange… its a camera phone what do u expect…

well post up some good pics that show the color then you will get real opinions


bikes in warsaw… im in buffalo, ill sacrafice the drive for some fuzzy pics, until i pick her up…

looks pink to me :rofl:

Edit - I take that back It is more of a Salmon

so does someones avatar :biglaugh: :lol: :mamoru:

Good try but no.

also my car is red.
Not “orange” :cjerk:


:salmon: :salmon: :salmon: :salmon:

Ok, on topic, that definately looks pink to me. I haven’t seen camera phones distort colors that badly.

“if this is red, then what’s orange?”

^name that movie^

crappy pics will do it i have pics of a golf in canada that was orange and they came out pink

Requiem for a dream.
attention whore.

aside from the :gay3: looking color of the bike(due to the cam), its a hot looking bike tho. proz

umm for the record… this is the EXACT same bike, and notice the difference from the 1st pic…

:bsflag:NO camera phone is that bad, and even so pink is nowhere near orange.its pink and now that u got everyone comment your prob. gonna paint it orange-ill give u that:bsflag:

put some money on it :slight_smile: