Photoshop Request for bike.

not sure if this is where i should put it, but i want my rims like a bright lime green or some sort of bright green. if not that, i was thinking like a bright orange/red color. if anyone wants to help out i’d appreciate it. other input for some color is welcome too. thanks.

i say a nice red. not green tho…

umm ur gay, dont paint the rims… leave them… green/orange are kawasakis… not HONDAS… 'nuff said

i’d buy another set, so it’s not that big of a deal. i’m leaning towards the orange/red though the more i think about it. have fun storing your bike this winter :wink:


and i definitely think orange/red would look better.
just sayin

I got rid of that ugly rear fender too:

siiiiiick. thanks man, for a PS that looks amazing :smiley: after those colors, what do you like?

chrome or bright silver …

green is terrible, orange is ok, red is fairly decent.

i like the green, but i’m weird so oh well lol

closest i could get…

^^^that also looks good. damn, so many choices.


At least you know you’re weird… Most people don’t

How bout you DON"T paint your rims some fucked up color like lime green, that way you won’t look like a colorblind ricer driving down the road.
My vote: Can’t go wrong with the chromes spinnin’ :slight_smile:

leave it alone…

bright green and orange look horrible.

if anything, do silver…

Solution: Don’t tape off anything, spray it all FLAT BLACK FTW!!! lol


green is the fastest color

with the impending work week, not in the mood to be banned again…