Being a redneck = death

sucks… hope they still come to the pepsi cause i got tickets already ahaha

I don’t think only red necks go to monster truck shows.

I don’t even understand this whole hoopla of dare devils, monster trucks, etc.

I wouldn’t take a free ticket to go see that crap. It looks retarded.

ahahaha i love the monster trucks. lol and diesel truck pulls too. you know you’re a redneck if… lol

wow. thats a shitty way to die. Hopefully they will investigate what caused this and be able to prevent this from happening again. And yes monster trucks are cool!

Poor kid

Yikes, RIP little buddy. Thats gotta be tough for the parents…

it sucks that the kid died, but sad things aside. death by monster truck? COME ON! thats how a real man dies.

Well that’s the end of monster trucks :frowning:

An investigation into the accident is underway <<< lol

anyhow thats really sad story, shouldnt die like that !

idk thats two deaths now right ? cant be looking good !

i love monster trucks and thats the only thing I dont mind speed playing over and over again, the unique whips/passtime/blahblah shit is gay tho

I know this is really scary, Im taking my 4 year old nephew to Moster trucks in 2 weeks :ohnoes …carzy that shit can happen like that so quickly

~RIP little man~

lol we’ll see you there!

RIP little guy

I’ve never gotten to go to one of these, always wanted to though.

Any monster trucks + pepsi arena = :facepalm

true… its way better at lebanon valley! but w/e i’ll take what i can get in the winter fool!

only time I’ve ever been to LVD was to watch monster trucks when I was about 10. I’m guilty of still watching them whenever I catch them on the speed channel… they are awesome!

ive never seen a monster truck show. should i get some tickets for myself and my 5 yearold nephew?

absofuckinglutely… and get ear plugs too homie, esp for the little one.