BENNY BENASSI Saturday July 21, 2007 Guvernment!

LOL… for how bad last weekend sucked… I have never gotten this many call-backs and messages about “DUDE- when are we going back to Guv!!!”


What did I just post? Whats my name again?


I had no idea who you guys were talking about but i checked his shit out on youtube.


Any by suck i mean its because if any of you find this shit entertaining you are a glowstick twiriling douche nozzle


And you are a moron if you think what we have around here in Buffalo is even mildly entertaining. Sorry, but the rest of the world listens to OUR kind of music. The USA is the only country still wallowing in yesteryear ghetto beats. I have SOME respect for Rock, but not a whole lot.

So you can take your Kiss98.5 and KissMYASS.

[quote=“Final GTS,post:62,topic:29332"”]

And you are a moron if you think what we have around here in Buffalo is even mildly entertaining. Sorry, but the rest of the world listens to OUR kind of music. The USA is the only country still wallowing in yesteryear ghetto beats. I have SOME respect for Rock, but not a whole lot.

So you can take your Kiss98.5 and KissMYASS.


LOL not even close to what i would listen to. Instruments will always be> than some shithead e-dropping butt pirate with a glow stick and an iBook


LOL not even close to what i would listen to. Instruments will always be> than some shithead e-dropping butt pirate with a glow stick and an iBook





LOL not even close to what i would listen to. Instruments will always be> than some shithead e-dropping butt pirate with a glow stick and an iBook


You must live a sheltered life my friend.



You must live a sheltered life my friend.


sheltered from bad music, thank god

here I can make one of this dudes songs too, and prepare it for a show. heres how it goes:

Step 1: Fire up macbook
Step 2: Open Fruityloops
Step 3: press random key strokes
Step 4: publish to mp3
Step 5: pack up macbook
Step 6: travel to show
Step 7: open macbook
Step 8: plug in audio cable
Step 9: press play
Step 10: point at the crowd with sunglass on with your shirt off
Step 11: ???
Step 12: Profit.


rob single handedly owned this thread



sheltered from bad music, thank god

here I can make one of this dudes songs too, and prepare it for a show. heres how it goes:

Step 1: Fire up macbook
Step 2: Open Fruityloops
Step 3: press random key strokes
Step 4: publish to mp3
Step 5: pack up macbook
Step 6: travel to show
Step 7: open macbook
Step 8: plug in audio cable
Step 9: press play
Step 10: point at the crowd with sunglass on with your shirt off
Step 11: ???
Step 12: Profit.


Bad music? Do you have any clue to how big the Trance/House audience is? Who gives a shit whether the music is created electronically or through an instrument? You have never been or experienced a wicked set by a world’s top DJ so don’t pass judgment. Europe is HUGE into this music, and so is Canada. The US is somewhat behind but the addiction to Trance/House is spreading like wildfire.



No, he’s just retarded


The US is somewhat behind but the addiction to Trance/House is spreading like wildfire.


so is herpes, let me get on that train yo! And there is a HUGE difference beetween electronic music and using instruments. Don’t even think of putting bengay benassi in the same boat as the beatles, led zeplin or even the fucking BPO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>electronic music


No, he’s just retarded


maybe, but strongbad owns.

i appreciate all music. on a side note

if marcus knows what the BPO is… i’ll literally stop throwing drinks on his car

thats a promise

Honestly we all like different music…

Don’t waste a day of drama on something this lame…

Uh oh. Robhimself hates EDM music. This changes everythiNG!

Get over it. People like different shit. It’s life. My true passion in music defiantly involves ‘real instruments’ (as you say) and I play ‘real instruments too’, but EDM just does it for me when I am in the mood.

Plus, I am sure you like certain things or music that most people would say WTF too. But no, I am sure that’s different…

And glowsticks? Thanks for grouping us all together. lol

Edit_And BPO is great.

lol justin


Step 1: Fire up macbook
Step 2: Open Fruityloops
Step 3: press random key strokes
Step 4: publish to mp3
Step 5: pack up macbook
Step 6: travel to show
Step 7: open macbook
Step 8: plug in audio cable
Step 9: press play
Step 10: point at the crowd with sunglass on with your shirt off
Step 11: ???
Step 12: Profit.


Holy shit I am quiting my dayjob ASAP.

Big money here I come!!!

Thanks for the EDU bro! I’ll give you a shoutout when I’m E’d up and half naked!

We weren’t the ones that came out swinging with fistsfull of impotent rage. we expressed an opinion, got called idiots etc.

it’s all in good fun, just a few people go their panties in a bunch big time when we insulted their beloved benny benassi… lol


so is herpes, let me get on that train yo!


get some cream and I am sure the swelling on your small cock will go down

And there is a HUGE difference beetween electronic music and using instruments.
Holyshit, you must be a fucking genius and had a A in music class

Don’t even think of putting bengay benassi in the same boat as the beatles, led zeplin or even the fucking BPO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>electronic music

Once again, you dont understand so keep your opinions to yourself because no one cares what you think about electronic music. I am sure no one here would be partying to the Beatles or LZ or Elton John for that matter.


Honestly we all like different music…

Don’t waste a day of drama on something this lame…




Once again, you dont understand so keep your opinions to yourself because no one cares what you think about electronic music. I am sure no one here would be partying to the Beatles or LZ or Elton John for that matter.


i knew you didnt know who the BPO was you ignorant fuck lol