It just dawned on me from looking at Mcfluffy’s sig that this looks a lot like the one and only BenjaminFizzle
Fluffy sig:
It just dawned on me from looking at Mcfluffy’s sig that this looks a lot like the one and only BenjaminFizzle
Fluffy sig:
HAHA no sir
I am not one to webcam myself doing pushups, not sure what would compel someone to do that.
you have to admit it does look like you though
Well, good thing he was doing sit ups… AND, we know you don’t exercise.
You still collecting parking tickets?
they’re sit ups you FAT LAZY PIECE OF DOG SHIT
:rofl :rofl
:rofl :rofl :rofl
oh wow fail
:rofl i never even thought of that when i put it as my sig
I hope he killed that fucking cat.
thats one fat cat
Emanuel’s cat is bigger.
Even the cat is jacked?
benny cant even do a fuckin situp
Why is the monitor/tv not plugged into anything?
Maybe it’s a “store room”… Fat ass cat tho.