Beoatches, eh?

where are you getting drunk? i’ll buy you a shot

sorry to hear/ read, get drunk so you wake up in the morn and you cant remember anything you did last night

Well it took me a while to confirm, what with all the faggy hair hanging down. But it is indeed a Male, in some sense of the word.

You must not be any good in bed.

Time to drown your sorrows in some 19 year old freshmen.

+1 i feel better after watching jailbait too, but sorry to hear bout that.

Hey I’m single, you could always come see for yourself:hay:

Sweet. Let’s cuddle first.

No cuddling!

I am a Man of Action ™


Word to that. Banging the dry vagina on my couch.

haha, I dont have them.You don’t want them.

She was heavy with…Personaility.:meh:

oh shut up she had a cute face. her body needed work… but she had a cute face.

Ok… its good you moved on… lol She was pretty fuckiung lame.