OMG sooo drunk!!

OMG so we had the hookup at Bukin bronco and got smashed. got shitty before 9pm. I barfed out the window of my buds, gf;s window.LOL ho wow do i safe face, its only 11PM on a Friday nignight! I know i suck!

Me too!

uck…alcohol…thinking about it is making me gag.

i’m recovering from last night. treated myself to some cold stone ice cream a couple mins ago though.

I’m not actually drunk. I just wanted to see if he would reply and I could get him to have a weird conversation.

im drunk,and theres still more time to party!!. I had an irish/scotish man tell me “the irish know how to drink, but fuck, do the polish know how to party.” How true, iive almost polished of a 30 pack by my self FTW!!!

Na zdrowie (cheers)

Dziekuje (thankyou)

LOL…i know how you feel…

i cannot have another drop…


I’m big pussssssyyyy!!!

  • Howie drunk asizn



^^ i second that motion.

stupid howie

lol Howie is a silly goose.

been there, unfortunately done that

ugh right after posting this last night i passed out face down on my keyboard, lol woke up to me barfing all over the keyboard. fuckin gross. i cleaned most of it up but have to take it apart to get it all out.

are you serious? pics of chunks or ban

good god man i’d just get a new keyboard

:lol: at being home from downtown at 11pm that wasted.

oh and i second ghetto on the new keyboard.

its Buckin BUFFALO, thank you very much

who was your “hook up”

it was mad ghey, a friends girlfriends friend from work won a “Free happy hour” party we got there and it was only 1 free beer and a free ride on the buffalo. meh, we got tanked anyways. had a few at the Buckin buffalo walked to darcy’s had like one of each draft(which im sure got me sick) then ended up at Soho so i could find billy fucillo and kick em in his old nutbag-he wasnt there. OK cant type anymore this keyboard is making me sick again, if i tip it over it like bleeds puke. ugh.

dude i swear i’ll paypal you the money for a new keyboard THAT IS DISGUSTING

ROFL. the smell is killin me! i cant find a screwdriver small enuff for these goddamn screws!

ewwwwwwwwwww. dude if i lived in buff id give you an extra key board. thats so gross