I thought this is pretty cool:A

thats nothing. there was a person who got in trouble since he had a poisonous 12 ft long python in his car for security purposes.

WOW, Hard core lol

thats making sure no one even dares to try and get in. but he did get prosecuted for that. cant remember if it was from the states or here in canada.

It was probably from the states… ppl at the states are F***ing crazy

im watini on one form teh states to come in. electric shock :slight_smile:

old news. you can easily setup a tazer connected to your body panel or my personal favorite, the flame thrower on the side.

How about an AIDS infected needle sticking out of the seat with a comical note attached to the steering wheel?

i like his idea! Or like, dog or animal hopped up on viagara in the backseat.

i dont under stand what is in the first pic … is it a bounty wolf?

Looks like a dog in the front window.

you can’t really see it …im guessing its dog or something…

Yup its a dog, it was parked in the parking lot where i work

btw what kind of dog is it? lol

no idea lol, i thought it was pretty cool

that would be awesome seriously lol…

i remember a thing on TV about this city in africa where people outfit their cars with flamethrowers because the carjacking is so bad

drumroll :C