Best Car Commercial!!!!!!

Hey Guys I was watching tv the other day and this Seat Ibiza cupra commercial came on and I laughed my ass off!
I don’t know why, but chickens make me laugh, they are such funny looking creatures lol!!!
Oh for those who don’t know and are like WTF? I work in Europe therefore I live in Europe (Greece to be exact) so no it was not on north American television.


That’s fucking hilarious. ROFLWAFFLE!

that is funny but that is also a sexy looking car

Yeah Seats are good looking cars!..Personally I always loved the Seat Leon Cupra R

And in a 4 door version!!!

that was wicked. thanks!

some sexy pics, love the car. so many cars in the land of the misterious are awesome that i wish they imported instead of fucked up kia’s and shit

Interesting facts learned from the Gran Turismo dealership menu: Seat is of Spanish origin. :slight_smile:

Is it wrong that I have no fucking idea what is going on in that commercial? Am I missing something?

^^chickens = no fly. Chicken catches backdraft of said seat. Chicken flies!

that first car the big huge pic of the yellow car. look at the front lip. did someone step on it? like wtf. so nice and yet so shitty.

Nice commercial lol.
Seats are alright looking, but would rather tons of diffrent stuff over one.


Call me Crazy but i like the Volvo C30

its pretty obviously a photoshopped picture…

subie vs snuggie commercial. love it.

Gemeni Ownage

Check out the WTF blanket in the related videos, it’s priceless.

lol i had ‘abba - dancing queen’ playin in the background and it confused me but funny commercial :stuck_out_tongue:

Ellada ftmfw :smiley:

FIAT is coming to North America soon maybe as soon as the end of next year! The bought Chrysler and now they will use some Chrysler plants to manufacture Fiat’s !!! I think the FIAT 500 will be the first Fiat they will intruduce to North America. The Fiat 500 is the Mini Cooper killer.

FIAT (Fix It Again Tony !!!) LOL!

Fucken right my friend!!!