Best Chrysler ever?

A recent poll ( has got me wondering. What is the best Chrysler ever made. I should specify, it has to be badged a Chrysler and it must have hit production.

Post pics.

chrylser imperial

turbine car…

they also sold vipers in europe under the chrysler name

edit: i guess my list is more “cool” than “best” :stuck_out_tongue:

conquest TSI

My vote goes to the Chrysler LeBaron from the “K Car” platform.

The Airflow was revolutionary, and gorgeous.

Road runners

“Wheres YOUR LeBaron Freddy??”

I don’t see two LeBarons

1987 Chrysler New Yorker turbo

This. The car that was in competition with the 944 and did a hell of a good job putting up a fight. Hell of a car when built right.

turbine car was never put into production. they produced a good handful of them and released them to various public for testing and research, then pulled and destroyed all but one or two of them(maybe a few more)

Bet your boots it’s a LeBaron. Good car. Convertible.

Like “Plymouth” Road Runner… You mean GTX sir

GTX was Plymouth too.

Yeah. Just remembered that…

Here is one tho,

Fuckin a I didn’t read only chryslers.

How about the prowler.

I’m mostly curious to see what people come up with rather than deciding yes or no.

But I am curious, why is the prowler the best?

best movie line ever from a bad movie

Isnt the prowler still a Plymouth?