Best Free Messenger Prog

uhh do you know what portable means? lol

Yupp… it can work off USB drives, doesn’t require registry files and is a smaller file size than regular Pidgin. You can isntall on it on your hard drive if you want to be real anal about no frills.

I use a lot of portable applications becuase I dont want them installed. Filezilla portable is a big one I use.

Same here :tup:

It’s funny he said he wanted a smaller version with less feature and you listed the portable which is the same thing as the full version just portable…

I’m pretty sure digsby uses almost half of the resources AIM does. Pidgin I do not know. Digsby has a lot of features but doesn’t run as heavy as AIM, I’m not sure if this would sway your opinion or not. If you’re looking for a stripped down version you could try using the AIM chat on their website It appears to just run right on the website without installation.

here the direct link to open up aim in your browser:

and digsby has run perfect on any computer i put it on including the P2 that only has 512mb or ram that im currently running in my room just for web browsing. ive had no issues at all with it.

Pidgin uses less resources than Digsby.

I still would be shocked if you guys found something that ran less than this:

I currently have Trillian on my work comp and it runs 12-18K

I just dl’ed digsby on the home PC and I’ll update the usage. Maybe we can make this a sticky.

^^ Good Idea…like a best of NYSpeed Programs…I think it’d be helpful if people reported back the download size/install size of the programs and the amount of resources it takes up. I’ll report back on digsby when I’m @ home.

I love AIM Lite just for its simplicity. I don’t need all t he plugins, loggin, features, protocols, etc that Trillian has. I just need it to chat and pass time. Lol.


I also have Sony Vegas Pro and some picture editing stuff I can comment on.

Anti virus etc

someone get the pidgin info

The portable Pidgin app I linked is actually a bigger file size and takes up slightly more memory.
I didn’t think it would be like that.

Regular Pidgin is taking up about 26k of memory. :frowning:

I still like it > *