Pidgin 2.0 - the new Gaim

Anyone else using Pidgin 2.0? I’ve got it installed on my Ubuntu laptop from I’m still getting used to all the new graphics and am not really sure if I like them or not but I am sure they will grow on me. Other than that it’s not much different than the gaim 2.0 beta’s.

Now that they have gotten the legal issues out of the way hopefully we will start seeing some new features like voice/video support.

is that made by the same ppl as gaim? i sure hope so

Yeah, it is Gaim. New name due to legal issues.

does it allow file transfers? for some reason I can’t direct connect with gaim and I can’t figure out how to change that

gaim is terrible at file transfers

is this new program any better?


gaim is terrible at file transfers


seems like every open source aim program is.


is this new program any better?


i doubt it, ill prolly try it out at some point tho. i use gaim regularly


on my Ubuntu laptop from .


have you tried beryl? what’s it like?

beryl is cool but it lacks ANY added functionality to ur system, but if u like the eye candy then go ahead and use it. it will impress u

Gaim would always crash when I tried adding an MSN account.


beryl is cool but it lacks ANY added functionality to ur system, but if u like the eye candy then go ahead and use it. it will impress u


i was more concerned with the ease of use. i have been wanting to try a linux build for quite some time, but i don’t want to get in over my head. beryl looked easy.

with feisty fawn all u have to do is install 2 packages and start it up


have you tried beryl? what’s it like?


On my laptop, p4m 1.4ghz 512mb RAM with an intel graphics card, beryl was pretty slow, which was expected.

On my desktop, amd 2500+, 1GB RAM with an nvidia 5800, beryl didn’t noticeably slow anything down, EXCEPT when changing tabs in firefox (took about 2-3 seconds rather than instantly) which drove me nuts.

Also, it caused issues with some opengl games, causing to change to metacity (which takes 2 seconds) before playing any games.


beryl is cool but it lacks ANY added functionality to ur system, but if u like the eye candy then go ahead and use it. it will impress u


I wouldn’t say “ANY.” Being able to make a console window translucent on the fly to see your web browser is pretty cool, and adds functionality. Sadly thats the only benefit I can really think of ATM.


I wouldn’t say “ANY.” Being able to make a console window translucent on the fly to see your web browser is pretty cool, and adds functionality. Sadly thats the only benefit I can really think of ATM.


haha i guess ur right, but i hardly see that as benefitial

actually, try windows key + tab. i like that but its such a vista rip-off

and its sad when u steal ideas from M$


haha i guess ur right, but i hardly see that as benefitial


Say your on the command line and are typing a command in your web browser. The only way you could see the browser is by moving the term window out of the way and probably off the screen. Now you can make the window transparent for a moment, or just enough to read your browser and type the command. Just one example.


actually, try windows key + tab. i like that but its such a vista rip-off

and its sad when u steal ideas from M$


Yeah, gnome has had that for a while, its just prettied up ALOT with beryl. But yeah they probably did get it from MS.

yeah but it would have been nice if they added some window manipulation shortcuts that actually help productivity.

Just out of curiosity… Like what?