Best / Most memorable car drama

I think of all time, my top 5 would be… (in no particular order)

  1. L8ER JOE < himself lol (DTKim vs JoeTypeS)

  2. Toda vs USAPower

  3. Smith vs JnJ/Badazz (perhaps one entity? lol)

  4. Sherm vs anyone

  5. Mario’s shittalk with his NA Z vs anyone lol

I can’t remember anything else (fucking alcohol)

remind me

JoeTypeS Vs Cartman? :gotme:

layzie and chuck

muscle50 and blown302cobra

Sherm vs White GSX from Albany

joe vs cartman
sherm vs white DSM from albany($ race) was a good one
Jesse vs nick pearl necklaces friend.
big hands and fmf was decent.
def the usa power vs toda 1
and smiff and fmf

Ahhh how i miss 96zeee :smiley:

JoesTypeS v. Cartman
JoesTypeS v. DTKim
JoesTypeS v. NA 300ZX (Troll Mario)
UBRF v. Team Nexxxxis
MidgeX v. BlackProbeGT
UBRF (JoesTypeS, 91TalonTSi, Toda, Raven) v. TT Eclipse kid
Mr Smith backed by 70 UBRFers + Butch v. Driver of TT Eclipse
Toda v. USA Power (2)

ubrf vs .comers

not car drama but definatly the best drama from ubrf

however smith and jnj was funny too

u forgot subjd40 ran him that night as well

good stuff right there…

Badazz vs Fastmofo way back in the ubrf days.

Still in progress…

the retarded racing247 kid calling out everyone with his 2.8 3rd gen f-bod

We need more car drama… I want Joe back in his pre-nyspeed form but he needs some honda-humpers worthy of fingering his vagina like Toda and the old 93-dx-hatch. So sad, what would the old Joe say of the new Joe driving an EVOlved-DSM??

KCuv’s N/A “supercar” Z vs. Julie’s Sentra

That he’s a fucking cunt bag :gotme: driving a POS DSM that he has to lie to everyday and tell it that it’s a honda so it doesn’t blow the fuck up

95zzz28 vs. Sherm

all good dramas

muscle50 vs 03mustangGT
and the muscle50 vs blown302cobra or whoever they doush was
the sherm vs beck one seems to be brewing into a good one