The_Russian vs City of Rochester
Aiman v UBRF
as soon as I saw your name that you posted…I knew it was aiman v. ubrf
3.1 stupid, but yea, that moron with my old car. jeezus, he had 4 accidents the first summer he had, then 2 more his first winter. then tried to sell it. no one wanted it and now it’s in INS Scrap yard, arrrgh. All that work I put into it for nothing :tdown:
ehh whatever, can’t beat paying 500 for it and getting 1200 :tup:
turbociv VS joestypes version
That stupid cunt vs. the pole at MT…
lol at russia vs rottenchester.
remember that faggor Mr.Silverado(ubrf) that talked shit about how he was gonna have a 10second ta like 4 years ago and run everyone. Has that homo ever been out?
ur a fag
Yeah that dude is such a fag, I hear he likes to wear bright blue fbody shirts in groups too.
Oh yeah, and
FormulaLS1 (2) vs. Beck
How about Toda Vs. Rochester DSM i belive that never paid him the $
That was a fun night :lol: I might still have the raw video of that somewhere when I was riding with Raven.
you are alive :lol:
yes you do…as it was prolly the ONLY roll race you’ve ever come close to winning…
Kid w/ black eclipse gets pulled by train of 5 cars