Best / Most memorable car drama

The_Russian vs City of Rochester

Aiman v UBRF


as soon as I saw your name that you posted…I knew it was aiman v. ubrf


Albany GSX vs Me

That was random…

3.1 stupid, but yea, that moron with my old car. jeezus, he had 4 accidents the first summer he had, then 2 more his first winter. then tried to sell it. no one wanted it and now it’s in INS Scrap yard, arrrgh. All that work I put into it for nothing :tdown:

ehh whatever, can’t beat paying 500 for it and getting 1200 :tup:

:tup: tup:



turbociv VS joestypes version

That stupid cunt vs. the pole at MT…

lol at russia vs rottenchester.

remember that faggor Mr.Silverado(ubrf) that talked shit about how he was gonna have a 10second ta like 4 years ago and run everyone. Has that homo ever been out?

ur a fag

Yeah that dude is such a fag, I hear he likes to wear bright blue fbody shirts in groups too.

Oh yeah, and

FormulaLS1 (2) vs. Beck


How about Toda Vs. Rochester DSM i belive that never paid him the $

That was a fun night :lol: I might still have the raw video of that somewhere when I was riding with Raven.

I don’t remember this one ._.

you are alive :slight_smile: :lol:


yes you do…as it was prolly the ONLY roll race you’ve ever come close to winning…

Kid w/ black eclipse gets pulled by train of 5 cars