best pick up lines

post your best pick up lines.
lets get a good laugh outta it

heres one:

“did you just fart? cause you just blew me away”

is that a mirror in your pants because i can see my self in them
nice shoes lets fuck
are you an angel because i`m in heaven

I think everyone has heard every pick up line already.

If you’re 18 years old, you’ve probably heard it all.

How about we try creating new pick up lines? That’s more of a challenge!

are you Jamaican? cause jamakingmecrazy…lol


while driving a right hand drive vehicle, pull beside vehicle of choice at a stop. With occupants of desire on the left, repeat the following line upon being noticed driving on the right;
"yup, I’m driving on the wrong side but its convenient for conversation… so whats ur name?

only thing i can think of related to SON that people could use…

Hey do you have a band aid? Because i just scraped my knee falling for you

this is more of a put down line when an ugly chick steps up

" i bet the last piece of ass you got was when u finger ripped threw the toilet paper "

that is all


i don’t need pick-up lines, i have a good smile, witty charm, and a silver tongue that could kill a were-wolf with a few words :wink:

“Hey, did you see the fight outside?”

Get it right, it was two girls fighting over a guy, and one of them had a nipple slip :stuck_out_tongue:

do you have a keg in your pants? cause i’d tap that ass

Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?

^that was you that told that chick not to smell my rag lol

… ohhh Kollo, lol

“i dont drive a 240”
