Best salad dressing.... ever
I just finished my 2nd to last bottle and it made me sad. I order this stuff from Nebraska and it’s the best dressing I’ve ever had. Its awesome on tacos also.


this is the fucking cats pajamas with some feta

but will it taste equally good on my taco?

perhaps. if you put feta cheese on your taco… it would be interesting

might have to try it. where do you get it?

wegmans. even if you dont like greek dressing, it would be hard to not fall in love with this shit. its fucking awesome

video review of Dorothy Lynch

Great shit. I marinade my chicken in this.

funny story… ok when i was younger i used to love that shit (catalina) i would eat it with carrots and salad all the time. my mom would keep it stocked at the house

so this one night my brother came home from a friends house and he was hammered… i was like 18 to he had to be like 16 or 17 at the time. so he stumbles in all fucking wasted and was like whats up, im fucking hammered, im going to bed

im sitting on the computer, and i say goodnight and he goes to bed. about 10 minutes later i hear all this racket coming from his room and i hear the door to the downstairs open up and he’s like stumble-running towards me… with his hand over his mouth. im like o fuck he’s gonna let loose!

the computer was right next to the back door of the house so he’s in his boxers and he gets to the door and his hand is still over his mouth. he goes to open it but my mom had locked it. so he unlocks it and goes to pull it open, no dice, the chain lock was still attatched. im just watching all of this in horror as he tries to close the door and fumble with the chain lock, all the while with one hand covering his mouth. suddenly he couldnt keep it down any longer, and he let it rip. his hand was still covering his mouth so it created this awesome arc/spray, just completely covering the door, window, wall and carpet with a deep red vomit.

he finally gets the door open and goes outside, no use now, everything is out of his gut. he’s outside liek caughing and gaging and shit so im like fuuuuuck… i gotta clean this up before my mom wakes up… so i run into the kitchen and grab some towels and start moping up the vomit. it was super thin (mostly beer and liquor) but had a super spicey nausiating scent to it… i would find out later he had eaten an entire bag of andy cap’s hot fries about 30 minutes prior

so anyway im cleaning up this mess and im running out of paper towels. so i go and grab some dish cloths from the kitchen. at this point the mess is pretty much cleaned up, im just going back and forth washing the rag and moping up the vomit when i turn around and my mom walks downstairs

“what was all of that noise? what are you doing? where’s your brother?”

“uhhh… he’s outside smoking…”

“what are you cleaning up?!” she says, looking at the deep red stained rag in my hand

“uhhh… catalina salad dressing?”

i knew the gig was up. no way would she believe that. i had to have spilled a retarded amount of salad dressing for the rag to be that badly stained

she just gives me a puzzled look.

“go to bed.” she said, and walked away

hahaha no shit did that just work! she really just believed that… she didnt find out the real story until a few years ago. needless to say, i havent touched catalina salad dressing since

ohhh life.

^ tl;dr

but hey, the best salad dressing on the planet is olive oil, hot bacon grease, sea salt and cracked pepper.

jam that story is priceless. :lol:

You certainly tell a good story jam :tup:

I make my own house dressing with the seasoning packets and olive oil/Italian balsamic vinegar.

We use that by the gallon