It started of when me and sn8kbite went to Autozone to meet up with onyx,and beck. while were wating for them to get there we see a beautiful 69 camaro pull up to the light. Sn8kbite and i take off outta the parking lot and get behind him @ the light. So then we get next to him…we ask him if he wants to get a run in. The guy then laughs and says your not worth my gas. Sn8kbite get pissed and punches it. Guy then paces us and gets on it like 2-min later-So did we and we pulled a quick car 1/4 the way through 2nd and shut down. Guy gets to the light and says wow that has more motor then me. we give each other the :tup: and go our ways.
Now we get to taffys and i get a nice razzmatzz shake and a burger. But im still hungry. Out of no where choko says who wants my other burger? OMFG I DO!.
So i eat the burger then we take a walk in the parking lot. Stay for a min then leave to go get some runs in. 1st match up was Sn8kbite Vs Addicted2Boost…
3 runs jay pulled pretty good on all.
Next was Jay vs a :snky: Hatch…they can say the results.
Now we go back to taffys and decide to go to mighty. On the way to mighty we got a pull in with Evil Srt(nice metting ya real cool guy :tup:)… The Neon pulled the cobra pretty good:tup:
Get to mighty and was there for about a good 15-min and then this whole swarm of R1c3Rs pulled in. Next thing you know a R1ceD out nissan drove right into the fucking pole in the parking lot! :lol:
Layzie went over to inspect and the kid says what havent yopu ever seen a cracked front bumper? Layzie response was something like ive never seen a fucktard drive into a pole before:lol:
So we leave mighty to go get in some runs @ the Madd Leet :snky: location
1st run was
Onyx Vs Evil Srt (Raced Twice)
F8LVenom Vs Onyx (Ran 3 Times)
So we said fook it were going home.
Now were halfway home and stop for gas in East Amherst. As were pulling out of the parking lot we hear bikes ripping on it hard. Now were cruisen down transit and here come two bikes doing stand up wheelies,stoppies and speeding very fast. They tried getting us to race but we were not having it.
After ass clowning all the way to transit and genessee we come to the light. Dude then looks behind us and says fuck its a cop. He proceeds to ask of if the cop two cars behind us @ the light is a cheektowaga one. I said i dunno?
He replies with i dont have my license man im outta here. Right there when the light turned green he revved it up and took off. Within 2-sec the cop had his lights on and went ripping past us chasing the bike. The bike had it WOT and the cop was loosing ground. We then busted a U and hauled some ass. As we did choko was right behind usand said he couldent see the cop anymore. So we went down some back streets and got home safely.
I called choko and he was trying to see if he seen the cop actually get the bike because he was kinda chasing them and hes like FUCK im getting pulled over g2g.
So thats my insaine Sunday night story… :tup: to a crazy fuckin night:headbang:
Cliff Notes:
Sn8kbite>* 1st Gen Maro
Choko gives me his cheesburger
Sn8kbite Vs Addicted2Boost
Sn8kbite Vs EvilSrt
R1c3R Drives into a poll @ mighty
OnyxZ32 Vs. EvilSrt
OnyxZ32 Vs. F8LVenom
Random Morons Doing standup wheelies,stoppies,high speeding down transit
Random Idiot runs from the cop on his r6
Me and teh Sn8kbite get away
Choko get pulled over.
Any updates from choko post here or if anyone else would like to share about this wonderfull night