Bethel Park

you have no room calling ANYONE a bitch and please don’t lie about not saying shit about me…you called me a nigger for god’s sake…and I think all those people have a clue because they all went to high school with you…and sorry, i didn’t mean just high school…if YOU kept your mouth shut awhile ago i never would’ve said anything. i’m honestly trying to help you dude…you have this image of yourself in your head where your just a huge bad ass on the road and not afraid to say/do anything…we both know you wouldn’t act this way if you didn’t have the police on your speed dial. just please stop the acting dude… you really aren’t fooling no one…why can’t you just enjoy your passion for cars and get along with everyone? it’s really not that hard…people aren’t going to think you are a pussy if you just chill out and try to be nice.