Presidency Discussion & Memes (45th, 46th, 47th Presidents)

You don’t pick your inlaws

Someone has a cricket machine…
Unless you bought it.

My wife makes Bills glasses that way for Superbowl parties.
She also makes t-shirts with my face on it that I give my contractors when I screw them over with extra weeks at an out of state construction site.

I need a better pic empty so I can have her make me one. Unless you have the .svg :smiley: D

Have you guys seen the MAGA blade? I’m LOL’ing over the Tolken references

I bought it on Amazon

In today’s dose of delicious irony/justice

I’m sure it’s Trump and not this though…

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assert yourself my guy :slight_smile:

Meh, more fun to sip my old fashioned from my Trump glass and watch them get pissed. We see them a couple times a year for family functions.

I like to tell people that Trump is just like George Floyd.
You can hate the messenger, but the message is clear that there are problems with the system.

Even when our larger extended family gets together at the Cosy in St. Catharines the hard lefties in the family no longer show up. it’s been like that for a few years now. it’s better for everyone.

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Gaetz withdraws. Claiming he’s becoming a distraction. Guessing he didn’t want his inquiry being made public which sounded like was going to be a requirement to get him confirmed. This was one I was always pretty meh on so I’m fine with it. Now go nominate Gowdy as AG.


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How many kids has this guy fondled? I’m guessing a lot…

Saw that Hunter pardon coming a long time ago lol

Joe’s got nothing to lose at this point. Dems lost, have no control of any branch. He’s old and will probably die within the next couple years. It’s his son. If any father were in his shoes under these circumstances there’s a good chance they would have done the same.

Now, if Kamala would have won, I have a feeling he wouldn’t have pardoned Hunter.

Also Hunter will probably screw up again.

This isn’t satire. This dumb bitch actually posted this YESTERDAY.

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Tell me you’re fucked without telling me you’re fucked…

Fuck this RINO

Merry Christmas:

I’d love to hear Blu Crosses reasoning for this. Like they have a specific timeline for every surgery out there. Heart transplant----that should only take 2 hours, any longer and the surgeon is obviously slacking, we ain’t paying for anesthesia beyond that.

I’d be more interested to know the reasoning behind dropping this change yesterday. My guess is the CEO not wanting to executed in broad daylight on a city street probably played a larger factor than they “public outcry” the media is blaming.

So much gaslighting we should find a way to capture it for clean energy…


And got a Nobel Peace Prize for it…

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