Biden Presidency Discussion & Memes (46th President)

Funny, I must only associate with that other 30% as well…




I was amazed at how Grosskreutz answered questions that were the complete opposite of what you should say if you still want to sue the city for $10M. It was also the exact opposite of the prosecutors opening statement. That cross is the exact reason the 5th amendment exists. Never talk to the police.

The only tiny thread of hope he had was that he considered Rittenhouse to be an active shooter and he wanted to protect as many lives as possible. That Jacob Marshal is scheduled to be back in court later this week where he will probably not remember any exact conversations from the hospital.

That the case looks this bad before the defense has even started presenting their case is unreal. So far all the defense has done is question the witnesses and experts the prosecution has called. Today it’s expected the prosecution will rest and the defense can start presenting their case. If you think it looks good for Kyle now, wait until the defense starts presenting.

The biggest thing about this case in my opinion will be the jurors and their stance on him carrying around a rifle and using it and whether they will hold that against him and overlook the facts which pretty much show he was defending himself.

you guys are assuming that justice still exists. we shall see

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This one is for @Motocrossx23


HD footage released of Kyle smoking the pedo. Clear cut self defense there, don’t see any way you can look at it.


Fuck Reddit lol. I uninstalled after the bullshit.

@JayS that was a particularly spicy batch bruh. thank you. had to download a few for future reference.


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Did anyone see the Grosskruetz dance video?
The 2 seconds when he was shot was looped and set to music and put in different places.

This seems to have received a lot of negative attention.

Not sure what Gosar was thinking posting that. Besides being almost unwatchable, any time you digitally put someone’s face on something and then kill it you know it’s going to cause problems. Just stupid.

Defense has asked for a mistrial, with prejudice. Judge is taking it under advisement and continuing the trial for now. If he grants that all charges are dropped and they cannot refile.

DA has been yelled at multiple times by the judge today and twice the judge has asked the jury to leave so he could tear into the DA.


The bicep bop…




Lebron should go take a helicopter ride in the fog…





LOL… Tucker actually said on air “Rossenbaum died as he lived, trying to touch an unwilling minor”. #basedAF



Good stuff right there.

That bicep bob was what I was looking for. They had some techno music, then cut him out and put him in movie dance scenes.

The Rittenhouse judge’s phone going off in court and his ringer being “Proud to be an American” really made my morning.

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Duckduckgo to the rescue.


This is comical to me. Definitely not one in the same at all.