Presidency Discussion & Memes (45th, 46th, 47th Presidents)


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That cop was ridiculous, he needs to be fired if not locked up.

Bullshit, he deserves a raise and commendation. Want to fuck around blocking roads then it’s about time you start finding out.

Naw, cops need to be held to a higher standard. They are not above the law, they are not to use excessive force etc. Not to mention recklessly ruining state own property that we now all have to pay for. The damage to that truck should come right out of his salary. Him drawing and pointing a gun at a bunch of people who are clearly not acting in a dangerous manor is bullshit. If that gun accidently went off… RIP what an idiot.

You say that until you’re in an EV/gas stove/anti jab/pew pew protest and a cop body slams you and breaks your arm.

If I’m blocking a highway and disrupting the lives of 1000’s of people stuck in traffic I deserve every bit of ass whooping I have coming.

The reason this nonsense is happening so much is because there are never any consequences for the people blocking highways. You consistently end these protests just like this for a month and they will immediately stop blocking roads.

Then change the laws, you can’t just arbitrarily allow a cop to use excessive force like that. Driving an ICE car with modified exhaust? Side window should be smashed out, dragged out of car and beaten.

Prosecutors need to fine /punish these people to the extent of the law and it’ll stop. Start getting fined or jail time and I think people will stick to protesting off the road. That blockage could have been easily cleared up in about 10 minutes, not a big deal.

Cop overstepped, but im glad he did, made me smile.
I think its only a matter of time before we see someone take justice into their own hands with these protests, and it wont be good.

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Having had a little experience in that realm, that was excessive. I love to see people fuck around and find out, but that would have been an awfully bad conversation with admin, especially now that it’s on video. The rule is generally don’t end up on the internet or else your career isn’t going to be happy.

I was just talking to someone about this. I enjoyed what happened but I agree with the other sentiment that this cop went too far in how he acted and is likely to be reprimanded and possibly lose his job. There are typically plenty of laws regarding blocking roadways and impeding traffic but at a minimum this is likely to be an excessive force lawsuit.

Do I think these people deserve to get handled in such a way? Yes, but I also know that isn’t going to work out well for the person who does it. If anything, if they were told to stop blocking the roadways, spray it down with OC/Pepper spray and then see if they move. If not, haul them all to jail.

This is definitely going to happen. I honestly just hope we get video of one of these protestors brains being splattered all over the ground by either the bullet or the baseball bat when it happens. And yes, the person that does it is going to end up charged, and yes if there is a gofundme for their defense I’m going to toss them a few bucks. :slight_smile:


Do we really care at all about people lined up to go to Burning Man?

I bet they didnt even have a voluntary carbon offset donation table for when they burn their shanty town.

All anyone has to do is pull up next to them and do a solid burnout. They’ll take in the smoke and change their ways. Honestly I’d just pull up and do a heater while honking the horn lol.


i like the idea of backing up to them…sound plus burning chunks of rubber.

It is pretty entertaining. The burning mans folks that I assume are 99% liberals that support climate change, were road blocked by climate protesters, that were beat down by tribal police on reservation land.

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Oh did I miss that those were tribal police? I may need to take back what I said about him getting reprimanded.

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Yep, rangers from the tribal police. Absolutely nothing will happen from them, other than some possible carpal tunnel from all the high fives they’re gonna get back at the station.

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LOL completely agreed, I saw ranger but didn’t realize it was tribal. Yea they protect the hell out of their own so props to them lol