big ed, the man that makes it all happen

I wanted to tell you about Big Ed. You all should send him a PM thanking him, because with out him we would not have had the muscle50 callout video. If GTO kid had not tried to harass this gentle giant, then the video would have never taken place. BTW Big Ed beat 2 kids down last week at thursday in the square, and when the cops came they knew they could not beat him, so they let him go. Chuck Norris gets the same kind of thing when he kills people. SO THANK YOU BIG ED, you are awesome! (this is 100%true)

i dont know you but +1karma you big pyso

lol the cops just focus on stopping the fights instead of arresting people lol.

i would expect something like this from moboost4u , but not you


Well I see fights spill into the streets all the time, and 20 minutes later the kids are walking past you again.

they only really make arrests if excessive blood or a weapon is used lol

This thread is for fggts.

Fighting is so stupid… lame.

Is nutsack really salty?

Thanks Dirty, little known facts right there

umm …thank u?

Big ed was actually attacked after a train ride to tits. he was in north buffalo. Then a nfta cop let him go. Big ed told me tonight gto kid was about to get cracked in the skull till muscle50 stepped in.

and gto kid still almost got his ass kicked for doing the hand motions

I dont get it

I heard that Big Ed does a lot of grizzly hunting… With a knife.

I heard he used his hands :repost:

big ed does not sleep, he waits.

Big Eds tears cure cancer…

Too bad hes never cried.

Haha, Ive never met the guy but I always hear good things :tup:

Jeez Fry, you have an obsession. You’re the first one to say sackrider in any thread ever.

Get off Fry’s nuts.