Big Reds other red car MK2 content

Gay chat thread

repolish them and get some ZOOP seal. but they work otherwise.


they are clear coated, no need

i need another vw…this time from the ground up!!!

any side shots of the car???

you gonna hire dana and i to strip it down, and sit back and watch complaining of the cold?:open_mouth:

I dont really have any recent pictures of the car since it got painted, but here is one from the day I bought it. The pin striping is gone, im waiting till winter is over before I really clean it up. Im going to pull all the trim off it, paint it with trim black, and buff out the paint, should look like new when im done.I have to buy a new front bumper, as you can tell the one on the car is beat, its also a bit distorted from the front mount. I am also going to play with the stance a bit too.

it was cold man

Boo for winter

I hate salt lol

ok pg 15 needs to come now



ok this is annoying

really annoying

really really annoying


not cool

very not cool

im bored