Painted my wheels

Made a thread a while ago about making red lip on my rims wider, finally went through with it regaurdless if theyll chip or not… DEF looking way better imo.

in so i can see when psycho fucks em up

lol, I only did the wheels becuase it was in the shop getting the fucking 8 foot key mark she left repaired lol, if she fucking touches my shit again shes done.

Whens the s2k arrive?



Very nice.

looks good

tint looks solid on there

nice looking car

Nicee, they shouldnt crack, i did mine all black months ago and havent had any cracking problems at all, what paint did ya use?

not sure, think he uses ppg.

nice look

werent you selling this car? I asked you in a thread before but i think you know my brother kyle?

Yes, im selling it, but no ones gonna hand me $15k cash lol. Yea, I know your brother kyle.


lol Just joking


looks good.

IIRC the guy that owns underpass is a very religious man and has a bunch of very funny signs up all over the office in regards to not swearing, ect