found my cars twin on ebay

Its pretty hard to come across a 100% SLP SS because from the dealership if you got all the SLP installed options, you were going into the price of a C5 territory…

anyways, it reminds me how nice my car actually was the day I brought it home.|39%3A1|72%3A317

LUL at you and ebay.

and who cares?

I was just browsing last night and found it…checking out the prices they are still going for with the new ones around.

I also found this 10 second street big cubbed SS that made me hurt inside…|39%3A1|72%3A317

Might have something to do with the fact it has 500 miles.


but 500 miles on a 01 car?? that cant be that good for it…I would imagine it would hurt it more then help it. I mean the first time someone gets on it, something will prolly break lol

shady whats with you and constantly hating on EVERYTHING this kid posts. get over yourself man. you post some dumb things yourself. if you dont like what he posts, then dont open his threads. no need to make dumb remarks about everything.


I feel like were bonding lol

No getting over myself… I dont sit on a high horse like you seem to all the time. As far as busting peoples balls maybe you should take some of your own advice? All I hear you doing all the time is putting pete or paul or someone else down?

Im just being a smartass its not like I hate smokin… I just disagree with him a lot of the time and im a dick about it.

What the fuck do you care anyways?

Smokin dont take anything I say seriously… from the few tiems ive met you in person you seem pretty cool… i think the lsat time we even talked was last year at travises ordeal… but in person your not camaro this camaro that and ill rape you etc…

No, if it was maintenaned correctly it’s fine. (Battery tender, start her once in awhile, change the oil out.)

A MKIV Supra with 500 miles would sell for retarded money. That’s a nice collector Camaro if someone wanted to hold onto it.

Welcome to the interweb, enjoy your stay.

Andrew (Smokin) seems like a decent dude in person. I’ve met him a few times.

People are the internet can seem different. You ever try to talk to your girl over AIM? (Talking like 10 years ago for me) It’s the same thing, you never know if she’s pissed at you or what, it’s hard to sense correct emotion. (If that makes ANY sense at all).

i dont sit on any high horse, and i dont need to explain myself to anyone, but how i bust on pjb is nothing personal, you constantly attack ssmokinn about his car, ebay, or whatever, when you are the most bootleg cat out there. get a blow off valve. he might act like a goomba on here from time to time or be a bit over zealous, but thats how camaro drivin’ mt. dew drinkin’ people are.

BAHAHAHHA. :rofl :rofl :rofl

Exactly… like I said drew in person seems cool in person I dont directly talk to him but the few times I have or just been around in a group where hes been he seems cool… I dont know I just think its hillarious on the forums and he gets riled up pretty easily.

yah I know…Supra’s are stupid expensive. When I looked into them before I bought my car, I couldnt find one I liked in my price range…and the price range opened to many other different cars I liked. It was a tough call but im happy with what I went with (for now)

but yah…01 had the least amount of camaro’s produced since 67’…(it was like 2000 or something like that, and only 290 of them were arctic white, 6 spd’s with T-tops and it being a 100% SLP car, puts it somewhere around 50) so im sure someone will pick it up for a collector.




I agree…

everyone from this forum that I have met in person, are completely different.

anyways, what were those freaks saying to you at curtis lumber when you left??? the one kid goes to me, I hate redline cars, I hate corvette’s…I was like wtf??

you gotta expect it calling a nissan sentra with raaaamz and a loan a project, and that hotrod caprice.

you set yourself up for it. im just here to knock down the pins.

i hate most corvette drivers.