ssssmokinssss at it again....

thats like asking you why have twin turbos if your going to drive it like a girl??

:lol . where do you get this notion that he drives like a girl?

Kid, the offer is still out there. Me, you, a 40 roll, and a grand on the line. Hell, I’ll even give you a ‘Christmas in July’ sale and only take 500 dollars of your money…

Until then, your comments make you look like this guy ->:retardclap

He cant beat a civic so he wont race you


if you want to make the money, you can drive down to my house. I will gladly give you your 40 roll.


Against your car in it’s 117 mph trim? I’m there next time I am home. If you are seriously agreeing to this, then you are either going to spray your car enough for a chance (and blow your botor in the meantime), or you are actually as stupid as some of your posts indicate.

Or why you do all this work to make your car faster without knowing how to control it and blow it sideways while bitching that your going to break your 10 bolt even though your car aparently doesnt hook for shit

And one day smoking will race the civic…oh wait no he wont

Because white knucklin’ a 400 HP ride and praying for the speedo to climb just a LITTLE more is where it’s at, mannnn…

Much cooler then a 40-100 blast in something with double the HP.

Can I get in on this?

I raced you what, 5 times???

Now that your 500+ HP and are trapping 128, I’d say your rather WAY out of my league. I will still run ya.

Its not at 500 plus horse you goon

Man oh man. :rofl

Dude he wouldnt race the poopra

thread fails, this is worse than my posts either race or dont race!:ahh

shutup, you wouldn’t even race an 05ish malibu on the highway in the cameo!:wtf


id dont fucken race on da streets nugga and dont go off topic genius… im not a thug.! thats what LV’s for and rolls prove nothing ET’s do!:shifty

you are wrong.