Big Turbz

Frankenstein… not kidding

sounds good to me lol

bump, heard he wanted 3900 cash?

really that low?

bump for one of my all time favorite cars


3000 and i will buy it tomrrow

Aren’t you broke as fuck?

I hit big at the casino and work mad hard for dad lol im not broke just said my car was making me broke.

hmmm… not broke but your car is making you broke :huh

niggah hes got money

laduke 2700 cash in hand

as in it cost alot to drive it, pay it off, insurance. lol


laduke, give me your car and 6 grand and ill give you my GTI.

or ill give you my Toyota and 1500 cash for your car.

Price is STILL 6500!!

Unless said by me a PRICE change it is still the same…

No thanks

yo the yoda is prob the best car for you dukey laduke


wat? and bump for price drop

LMAO no price drop !!!