This turbo was purchased used with only 150 miles on it. It’s been in my bedroom in a box since I purchased it two years ago. It was on a 700rwhp S2k for break in and dyno runs only, the car was parted because the owner lost interest and funds to keep the vehicle going. The exhaust housing is ceramic coated and the compressor housing is a wrinkle red finish (it looks so awesome!). I don’t see any pieces of small babies on it, but that could have been cleaned off before I purchased it.
[CENTER]I will consider working a trade for a GT2876 or GT3071, or sell for $700.
Precision PT6776S (Part #PTB400-1550)
[CENTER].82 A/R Hot side
.70 A/R Cold
V-Band exhaust outlet
T3/T4 Intake flange
4" In/2.5" Out
750HP Rated

Last two pics try to capture the shaft play in it to confirm it is indeed good (keep in mind the bearings don’t have any oil on them).
The only reason I’d get rid of it is to get something I can drift on, considering the drag scene is kind of a past interest for me.
PM/E-mail/Call me if interested.